These foods will make you look old before your age, know the tips to keep your teeth healthy

It is important to pay attention to food to keep teeth beautiful and healthy. Because our food and some bad habits are responsible for various problems in teeth like black spots, tooth decay etc. Many times the teeth are not brushed properly due to busyness. As a result, dental problems increase.

According to experts, tooth sensitivity is usually caused by eating highly acidic and caffeinated foods. Because of which the teeth may become stained. Stained teeth are unsightly, as well as self-confidence. It also causes the inferiority of many. Apart from these, small problems lead to big problems. So to keep teeth healthy, some foods should be excluded or avoided. Let’s find out-

the tea

Tea can be a harmful drink for teeth. If you drink too much tea, it can also cause dark spots on your teeth. Drinking too much tea will increase the level of scarring. So you can practice drinking green tea instead of regular tea. It will not stain the teeth and will keep the teeth healthy.

Black coffee

Coffee is a favorite drink of many people. Many people have the habit of drinking black coffee several times a day. But drinking too much of this drink can stain the teeth. Then the yellow or black spots may increase. So it is better to drink coffee in moderation.

Red wine

Red wine can harm your teeth in addition to causing various damage to the body. Because red wine increases the acid level in the teeth. This can cause stains on the teeth. So drinking red wine should be stopped.

soy sauce

Soy sauce is used to make a variety of delicious dishes. It adds flavor and aroma to food. But if you regularly overdo it, eating that food can stain your teeth. So, if you use soy sauce in food, make sure that it is moderate.

Tobacco and cigarettes

Neither tobacco nor cigarettes are good for teeth. Because these two can cause black spots on your teeth very easily. Excessive cigarette darkening of the lips so the dosage should be reduced. Avoid cigarettes and tobacco completely if possible.

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