99% of people make these mistakes before entering the temple! You don’t at all

Everyone worships the deity at home for the welfare of the house and family. Many also regularly visit the temple to worship the Lord and seek the blessings of the deity. Temples are very sacred places. In Sanatan Dharma, the sight of God is considered a matter of great fortune. But many things we don’t notice while going to temple. In that case certain things must be kept in mind and mistakes should be avoided.

Most of the time the temple is very crowded so people stand in front of each other to have darshan of the Lord. It is not right to do it at all. One should always worship the deity in the temple with devotion.

Most people circumambulate the temple. But many people do not know the correct rules of temple circumambulation. According to Jyotish one should always start from the left hand while doing Parikrama. While circumambulating the Shiv Linga, one should never cross the place from where the water is flowing.

A leather belt or any leather product should not be carried inside the temple while visiting the temple. There is a religious reason behind this. Since animal skin is used in leather products, leather is considered inauspicious. Therefore, leather goods are considered prohibited in this case. It is never okay to talk loudly or laugh in the temple. Because people go to the temple and forget everything and concentrate on God and pray to God.

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